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Confessions of a Disney Employee 3

Sharing some more shenanigans/tea that happened while working at the most magical place on earth (Walt Disney World).

Stalk Me:

Storyboards + character animation + backgrounds + co-directed by the one man animation army @Zeurel :

Wardrobe: Sorry- I have no idea where I got the items for on this fit this time around guys.

Fun Facts:
-The cast member girl Sara in this video is the same blonde girl from my first Disney Confessions vid @ 7:36 // — Me and her butted heads on my second week of working (in this video) then when I was plotting to sneak in to the convention (on the first video), me asking her about how conventions/private parties work was my backhanded way of letting her know I was thinking about it.

-Me and Zeurel have been working on this video since November 2020.

-Animated with: Adobe Animate
-Edited with: Adobe Premiere

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