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Telling a story to an “if that was me” person

Shout out Youtooz for working with me on another figure, THANK YOU!!
Go get a King Caleb at
or don’t I can’t force you to… I might be able to make you feel bad for not getting it though. What, you hate the good people that worked on the figure?
or is it me that you hate smh… you know it took those people months to make this happen and you don’t even care… I’m not mad at you, just a little disappointed y’know. Just thought things were different… *sigh* guess not. We’re still cool though, I just see where we stand…What? oh you’re saving up money? Thats fair carry on then, my fault G big ups!

Melodic – Tidiane
19 – Oddwin

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June 18, 2023/

When you start dating, hide and seek becomes a game called ghosting… only nobody comes to…

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